Friday, January 22, 2010

Homeless Average income

The average income of an American homeless person is around 19,000 in major cities. This may seem like not much, but don't forget, what bills or debt do homeless really have. Of course this is an average income if all he does is collect aluminum cans, plastic and/or glass bottles. In certain states that have a CRV program, "California Refund Value,"pay out 4 cents for each container under 24 ounces and 8 cent for each container 24 ounces or greater is the minimum refund value for each eligible beverage container. This is the average income,which does not including the time they spend at a corner or intersection collecting charity.
Lately, Ive given some thought that some homeless people choose to be homeless. Some sites call it a "Homeless career." This is America, the land of opportunity, the land to prosper and excel. So why does it seem like homeless people are getting younger? I just find it hard to believe that their are so many young homeless young adults. My first thought that crosses my mind is, join the military. Then I think are they being rebellious.
I just find it hard sometimes to donate money at a corner or intersection to a homeless person. If the average wait at a red light is 10 seconds and if only 2 people donate a dollar to a homeless person and the time between each red light is 2 minutes, in one hour a homeless person would receive around $55.00. That's more than I make in one hour. So i just find it hard to give my money that I barely have for myself.